Friday, May 28, 2010

Webquest Process

The Process:

1. With the members of your group, decide first on a name for your magazine and a picture for the cover. Then designate an editor who will be in charge of compiling all of the works into a magazine and then decide who will write what in the group. Since there are six of you, three should write a short story and three should write 2-3 poems each.

2. Look at the links I have provided for help on the poem forms, the short story and deciphering fiction from non-fiction:


3. Write your stories/ poems and get them ready for work-shopping within your groups.

4. After you have workshopped all of your group's work, fix any spelling or grammatical errors and take into consideration the constructive criticisms when revising.

4. Submit your work to the group's editor to compile in the magazine. You can out the entire compilation into a three-ring binder or your group can chip in to get it spiral bound at Staples for a few dollars.

Here are examples of Literary Magazine covers:

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