Friday, May 28, 2010

Webquest Task

You will be put into groups of six to create a literary magazine consisting of short stories and poems. There must be at least one fiction and one non-fiction short story; They cannot be all fiction or all non-fiction (you can choose amongst yourselves who will write what). The poems must be in one or more of the following forms: an ABC poem, a ballad, a blank verse poem, a Carpe diem, a Cinquain, a Couplet, an Elegy, a free verse, a limerick, a Haiku, or a Petrarchan sonnet. It is important to help one another edit the works you are submitting to the magazine and provide constructive criticism for one another by having workshop sessions. I will provide links to help you on the forms of poetry and short story writing. The main task is for your group to produce a literary magazine that could be a legitimate magazine that millions of people would want to subscribe to. You will learn how to work together as those at a professional magazine do.

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